This article was sent to us through our contact form from “Sandra” as an entry is our open mic/guest blogger category. Sandra is not a client of ours, but says she found our guest blogger category while researching her situation and would like her opinions published. We kept Sandra’s requested title for the post and left the content nearly verbatim. We only removed her last name and the name of the health insurance carrier from the original submission for privacy.
My on-line pharmacy list has had medications removed; medications added back, medications that never appeared again. The one that was requested to be removed is now gone from my on-line pharmacy list. I didn’t need to ask the HIPPA Specialist at all, I just needed to wait for the software department to delete it.
I currently have prescription errors on my on-line medication list that I have not been able to get corrected, even after repeated requests. I’ve thrown away $600+ of insulin delivered overheated due to an error in the prescription process. I’m currently asking endocrinology to correct the insulin prescription, and have had no response and an appointment cancelled. I have asked multiple times to correct errors in my prescribing information online, on the after visit paperwork, and on the drug bottles. I recently asked to have Glipizide description on the bottle corrected. At what point will these errors harm me?
I’ve asked for drug package inserts and couldn’t get them, so I checked their online drug database, and it was 2011. I was looking for the current updates on Statin. They just updated their drug database to 2012, but it still means that my Statin drug changes may not appear until 2013? Why can’t I get package inserts or more current drug data?
I’ll ask member services, and they’ll consider my request a grievance, and will send me a generic/form letter saying they will investigate. I won’t know what they are investigating. I’ll get a customer service liaison calling me, sharing that I don’t understand their review process, and blaming the primary physician for not fixing everything. I’ll explain to the liaison, that I did try to contact my primary, and was told, “I’m a busy internal medicine doctor.” In e-mailing the on-line pharmacy they tell me that they are in CA and they’ll can’t do anything for Colorado, and they’ll forward my grievance to Colorado Customer Service. I’ll never hear back. I’ll contact the Colorado on-line pharmacy, and they help me replace the insulin, but then they stop talking to me.
Hum… they must have looked at my medical records, and today my Endocrinology appointment was cancelled.