Thank you to today’s Guest Blogger, J.A., an RN who submitted via our “Be A Guest Blogger” page:
I am paying COBRA, health and dental at $640. per month.
I am a nurse, recently diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF) at age 50, this year.
Cobra is 18 months with 11 month extension. I was informed I have to exhaust COBRA timeline before being eligible for Cover Colorado, the High Risk Pool.
CF is a respiratory illness that uses the same meds as any other respiratory disease. Nat’l Jewish sees patients a minimum of 4x per year, more if other symptoms occur as in diabetes.
Asthma patients use nebulizers just as CF pt’s do.
Tobramycin for pseudomonas is inhaled for CF pt, It’s an available medication. Therefore, if you have a non CF patient that has pseudomonas in their lungs, the treatment is the same. I don’t understand why CF has to be in the high risk pool. All other symptoms related would need to be treated at any other hospital. Additionally, CoverColorado is still more expensive for women/non smokers at age 50 than it is for men. We still make less in the workforce and have to pay more for health insurance. after age 50, women are nonchild bearing. So, why is there unequal costs. Also, CF at age 50 is definitely a shorter life span and I would probably need health insurance as long as 5-8 years. I’m paying for COBRA mostly because I need health insurance to “qualify” for future policies and exclusion waiting periods and in case I need it for non CF injuries/illness. I get my medications via the VA at no cost. Currently, I use Denver Health pharmacy or VA which lowers my out of pocket expenses. I think my insurance costs should be lower because of VA benefits. Would someone please address these concerns. Thank you so much. J.A., RN
- The opinions expressed in the “Open Mic” category do not reflect those of Insurance Shoppers, Inc. or the Colorado Health Insurance Insider. If you have an “open mic” topic you would like to submit, please visit our “Be A Guest Blogger” page, or contact us with your submission.