Jay and I started this little blog in the summer of 2006. We’d had our website up for three years at that point, but we wanted a place to be able to discuss the very dynamic health insurance market and regulations, and to be able to provide updates for our clients as things changed. To say there have been a lot of changes in the individual insurance market since then would be an understatement. Colorado has been a leader in healthcare reform, implementing gender-neutral premiums and maternity coverage on all policies years before it was required by the ACA, expanding Medicaid, and establishing Connect for Health Colorado, the state-run ACA exchange that we’re proud to partner with. Through all of it, our blog has been a way to communicate with our clients and readers, and to add our own thoughts into the mix.
In our very early days of blogging, back when social media was mostly being used by people under 21, we wondered how to go about sharing our writing with more people. And then we came across the Cavalcade of Risk. It was a blog carnival created by Hank Stern, and it seemed like a great way to get to know other bloggers, have an opportunity to read their work, and share our own.
And it was. Over the years we’ve hosted the Cav here on our site many times, and we’ve contributed to most of the editions. We feel like we “know” the other regular contributors because we’ve read so much of their writing. We’re grateful to Hank for keeping the Cav going all these years, and I’m feeling a bit nostalgic about the fact that today’s Cav – edition number 224 – is the last one. It’s filled with excellent articles from some of our favorite bloggers – it looks like everyone turned out for the Christmas Eve/swan song edition of the Cav. So head over and check it out.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a wonderful New Year!