Get A Quote and Enroll in Elevate Denver Health Medical Plan
The Denver Health Medical Plan HMO began in 1997 to provide coverage for city employees and Denver Health hospital employees. Their plan has grown to cover more than 17,000 people, including some with Medicaid and Medicare.
The Elevate health insurance plan is required to be fully compliant with Colorado Division of Insurance rules, including maintaining adequate reserves, but it is owned entirely by the Denver Health hospital authority. A significant portion of the profits from the Elevate health insurance plan is given back to Denver Health each year, which helps offset the losses incurred from treating a large number of uninsured patients in the Denver area.
In May 2013, the Denver Health Medical Plan submitted rates and plan designs for Elevate Health Insurance by Denver Health Medical Plan, Inc. This is their new individual health insurance plan that is being offered through Connect for Health Colorado with effective dates starting January 1, 2014. Elevate Health Insurance by Denver Health Medical Plan, Inc. is an HMO, but there are two network options available for enrollees: The lower-priced one includes all Denver Health and Hospital network providers and facilities. The higher priced option includes those providers along with Colorado Children’s Hospital and University of Colorado Hospital providers and facilities.
Elevate Health Insurance by Denver Health Medical Plan, Inc. offers bronze, silver and gold plans for individuals, both on and off the exchange. Bronze plans cover roughly 60% of medical costs before the out-of-pocket maximum, while Silver plans cover roughly 70% and gold plans cover roughly 80%. For enrollees with household incomes up to 250% of the poverty level, cost-sharing subsidies are available on silver plans to lower out-of-pocket expenses. Premium subsidies are available for bronze, silver, and gold plans, as long as the enrollee has a household income of not more than 400% of the poverty level.