David Williams – who has been blogging for 11 years now – hosted the Health Wonk Review this week, with an excellent “Tales of the Trump” edition. There are plenty of great articles, so be sure to check it out. Here are a couple of my favorites this week:
At healthinsurance.org, Rob Cullen explains how Obamacare has improved the options women have when it comes to choosing where to give birth. Our babies were born in 2008 and 2011, and maternity coverage didn’t get added to our individual health insurance plan until the end of 2011 (all new individual plans in Colorado included maternity coverage as of January 2011, but maternity was added to renewing plans at their renewal date that year). So our health insurance would only have covered complications – it wouldn’t have paid for routine maternity care regardless of what provider we used. We had midwives for both pregnancies, and we’re glad we did. It’s nice to know that this option is becoming an affordable choice for more women under the ACA’s rules.
At Health Care Renewal, Roy Poses delves into one of Donald Trump’s many past ventures – this time, it was a nutritional testing and supplement company called The Trump Network. The multi-level marketing company sold products that weren’t tested and appeared to be of little value, and falsely promised wealth to the people who were selling the products. It would fade into the wide ocean of similarly dubious nutritional supplement companies if it weren’t for Trump’s recent rise to be the frontrunner in the GOP.
There’s plenty more where those came from – be sure to stop over at David’s site and check out all the rest.